Mark Smith is discussing the need to change the price for a booking on New Year's Eve. He suggests changing it to a one-week booking instead of one night. He also recommends using professional photos to improve the listing. Mark suggests making the minimum stay two nights but also mentions the option of appearing in searches for one-night stays by setting a high price and offering a discount for longer stays. He suggests a rate of $300 per night but acknowledges that it may be too high. Mark shares his experience staying at a hotel for $290 per night and suggests offering a discount for longer stays. He proposes setting a high price for one or two nights and offering a 75% discount for three or more nights. He calculates the potential earnings and suggests considering a rate of $650 per night.

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hi kiah Mark Smith here oops where have I gone hi I'm not sure if you got any of that um Mark Smith here it's Tuesday the 11th at 5:37 um I've got your message uh asking do you need to um do you need to change the price uh and that you got the only you've got is a booking for New Year's Eve that sounds to me like it's a one night booking and that's um so I think you've got to you've got to fix that um because you one night booking on Year's Eve you probably want a one week booking um and okay you've got to you've got to go in and please please go in and change this so uh one night bookings are like there's so much work and there's so little money um so here's an opportunity so please do this straight away um please do this straight away uh if you wouldn't mind so uh let's just go and now I've sent you a invite for um for professional photos and I I really think that would make a huge difference they're not bad photos they're quite good but the professional ones are just better and uh they will be better and so um let's let's have a look so let's see if we can make uh two night minimum um okay so I'd probably like don't get me wrong I I do not encourage one night bookings they they're terrible there's so much work and okay you Pro ah so you've actually oh well here's another reason you've got you've got uh you're only taking a month's worth of booking so in fact I don't know how you got booked for New Year's Eve um you probably had it booked for for a year in advance um and um so I would change that to three months that's what I do with my own property uh so you have got it booked for two night minimum stay so that's that's sort of okay but then you miss out on all the people that are just looking for one night stays now you don't I know this going to sound crazy you don't want any of those um well I don't and um but I would take I would take I would be looking for three night dayss so what you can do so that you appear so that you appear in all the one night dayss you can you can make it available for like $600 a night so it's worthwhile but then you could um so you're probably wanting 300 your rate is you're looking for 300 a night so let's just have a look at or 290 so okay let's look at that and let's see have a look through the middle of the week and so it's the same price weekends and and midweek so that's um that's interesting um so two night minimum so it's the same yeah see what I would do I would make it like ridiculous like I'm thinking like you makeing $800 a night so that you don't get any like it's crazy and then you get no bookings for that but you show up on all the S on all the searches so that everyone that is looking for it um can see can see the property but they won't book it because it's just too expensive um so that's what I do but then you add and I've sent you the link I've uh I've sent you the link you add a discount for three night booking and then you'll get the three night bookings so um but all the one night bookings go to somewhere someone else who's cheaper or who hasn't got the things set up properly so that's what I would do um 300 a night so that's a th000 bucks for a weekend compare that with um with a hotel it might be a little expensive now I just stayed at the shangar on the 29th floor overlooking Sydney Harbor and we PID 290 a night so um I think that might be just a little bit too high um but not for some times of the year so that's what I would do I would try and get those longer bookings and like you can offer a week long stay and I sent you a a I sent you a link to I sent you a link to an article just just let me show you this is this is one of my one of my properties um and so we can have a look for three night minimum okay so three night um okay all right let's have a look at some other

dates um that actually surprises me because I I don't think I I didn't think I had a three night minimum but maybe I did um okay because I just got a two night booking which is kind of weird um for for this this is a brand listing and it's got bookings already so it's going it's going gang busters yeah that's what I would do I would set it up so that there's no minimum there is no minimum

but but you make the price so outrageous and then you offer a discount for for the longest days um I think yeah I think 300's probably is a bit high as I said I just stayed at the shanga with har views uh and it was like a mini Suite was a corner room and um yeah so I didn't have a kitchen um yeah but I think you want to get those longer stays I I really do so um maybe maybe look at um it sounds a little bit crazy but you make the the one night stay high and then give a discount uh and it maybe maybe you give like a 60% discount if they stay for three nights something like that let me just work this out yeah so that sounds crazy 800 times 60% would actually still be too high um 800 whoops 800 so 75% would be 200 so maybe 850

whoops um so yeah maybe that's what you do make it 850 for one night or two nights but then offer a 75% discount if they stay three nights or more so that means you'd get um that means it would come down to about $22.50 per night um now if you're happy with three nights for say 600 that that that would probably be fairly good I would think um in fact it would probably be now Airbnb take a 3% service fee and on top of it they add on a 4% uh sorry 14% service fee for the guest so um if you set it at 850 and a 75% discount if they stay for um three nights then it would it should pay you about $212 50 c and at with a 3% discount 212 times that's about 25 in your hand um so but they would sell that for um one point they'd sell that for about 240 a night so that's probably doable that's probably doable okay so I'd uh I'd have a think about um I'd have a think about doing something like that maybe the numbers shouldn't be like 850 like that sounds ridiculous but um maybe you go 650 per night or something like that and offer a 2/3 discount um if you stay three nights 650 times

oops Yeah that's that's about 214 yeah I'd do something like that and um 214 and take off 3% that's um six S8 or something so about about 205 again uh you should get in your hand I'd say that that is doable please please take up the offer of the uh Pro photos it will make a huge difference it will rank higher oh get the um carbon monoxide detector um and what else yeah I'd get those things happening thanks very much let me know if you've got any more questions K thanks bye get free online support coaching watch videos and much much more at www.b andb hosts that's www.b andb hosts

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