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Coaching Blog S1 Episode 36 - Mark's Expert Tips: Enhancing Your Airbnb Listing - Chong's masterclass

Coaching Blog S1 Episode 36 - Mark's Expert Tips: Enhancing Your Airbnb Listing - Chong's masterclass
The website www.bnbhostsupport.com offers free online support coaching, videos, and more.
This is a detailed critique and advice session for a person named Chong who is looking to list a property on Airbnb. The speaker, an expert in Airbnb hosting, is providing a comprehensive analysis of Chong's listing, offering suggestions for improvement. Key points of analysis include: 1. Photos: The speaker emphasizes the importance of high-quality photos, suggesting that Chong should consider hiring a professional photographer. He also advises Chong to turn on lights in the photos to create mood and atmosphere. 2. Captions: The speaker suggests that Chong should add captions to the photos to provide more context and information about the property. 3. Property Description: The speaker advises Chong to improve the property description, making it more conversational and informative. 4. Amenities: The speaker points out that Chong's listing lacks information about heating, which could be a potential issue for guests. 5. Pricing and Booking: The speaker suggests that Chong should reconsider the minimum and maximum stay limits, as well as the pricing strategy. He also advises Chong to offer long-stay discounts. 6. Host Profile: The speaker recommends that Chong should add more personal information to his host profile to build trust with potential guests. 7. Compliance: The speaker reminds Chong to check the local regulations and register his property on the short-term rental register if required. 8. House Rules: The speaker suggests that Chong should specify the check-out time in the house rules. Overall, the video is a comprehensive guide for Airbnb hosts to improve their listings and attract more bookings. It covers various aspects of Airbnb hosting, from photography and property description to pricing and compliance with local regulations.

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 hi Chong Mark Smith here it is Wednesday the 3rd of January 828 p.m. uh in the bottom right hand corner there there's a speed uh thing you can speed this up let's have a look at your um uh listing at summersby and you've asked me offline um you've asked me for some tips on um pricing for this property the two-bedroom property uh on your property at Summers speed which is uh sort of near the hawksbury um um I'm guessing it's actually near Pete's Ridge uh I think I've understood that correctly so anyway we'll have a look at this um I think the first four photos are very very important and um uh here we actually can't see any bedrooms uh we can't see any internals so that's the first thing I would do to change um this I me this is uh it's it's a very nice piece of land but this Pro uh so let's pardon me let's start by just talking about photos in general this is a huge photo this is your What's called the banner ad the banner photo and look half the photo is actually taken up with this driveway and so um the I guess what I'm saying is we need to work on photos some going to send you a link to something that we call the complete guide to hosting and it does actually have some uh hosting some photo tips in there on um how to take good photos um one of the this is um just with respect this is probably not a good photo because as I said half of the photo uh shows the driveway which is of of absolutely no um interest to someone that's coming to stay for airbomb now this is interesting this aerial photo and that's that's good but I I would say this is probably um this is probably the only photo that I'd keep maybe this maybe some of these outside but let's have a look at all of your photos yeah so that's nice um there's a lot of concrete in this photo um yeah so you got to show some of these ins inside ones and you need to definitely put them in the first four so I'm going to uh point you in the direction of the complete guide to hosting and um see I mean look at this luxury um uh bathroom uh some more tips that you'll get when you're um when you're uh reading what I've I'm going to send you in the complete guide to hosting there is some uh photo tips in there um things that they talk about is light and you've got lamps here a lamp there uh you've I'm sure you've got um in the bathroom you've got um lamps uh lights lighting but none of them are actually on so not a single light and it creates mood and it creates atmosphere now this this is uh I think this is an excellent photo um yeah you need to um you're going to need to Stage this if if I could be honest I would say uh that I would if I was you get a professional in and have uh photos taken they probably cost you between $300 and $400 and um even if they give you about 10 photos um for about3 or $400 uh that would be more than enough um for two-bedroom place uh it's it's clearly got lots for peel um it's got this beautiful uh Timber floor but we don't want to see the photos of the backs of the chairs and all of this so that's that's one that I would probably well get a professional in uh or follow the tips that are in the um complete guide to hosting you need to have some lights on you've got light lamps um to show the property at its best uh this is not this is not how to do it so um it looks like a very nice property don't get me wrong uh you also need to uh have a look so just make a note of some of these points photo tour um a andb have something called a photo tour and uh it would um uh so we're talking about captions so uh like what does this photo actually mean what does that mean uh I I wouldn't put yeah this wouldn't be my number two photo maybe maybe so I think what you're trying to say here is that there's a house to the side of the main house but um you have a caption here um and uh it's it's very unclear uh what you're trying to say but I I a picture does tell a thousand words but you could still use a few words uh again no caption here here so um the caption you could put was Private entrance um uh 5 Acres of lush grounds or something you know something anything uh is that is that the two-bedroom house I don't know because um because it doesn't it doesn't say um do you rent this mainous as well that'd be interesting to know um but uh so if you did rent the main house then the caption could say um you know two bedroom Cottage with a Jason six-bedroom house um uh I mean that is a nice looking photo um it's it's a fabulous photo of the floors I'd probably get rid of um that cloth um and that cloth and you know you've got you can see that this is very tasteful got to have the lamps on you need better lighting so a professional will take care of all of this for you so um but when you do get the professional in the professional is not going to do the captions so um yeah so you can see you've got a laundry there you can see what you're trying to uh communicate but it's just not communicated well enough so that's the first place to start is photos um you're in a category of new so that means you're going to get a boost um I can't look at your pricing and I can't look at your um cancellation policy because uh the it says this listing is not yet available to all guests so um it doesn't know who I am and so it wouldn't


uh yeah like 20,000 square meters of gardens so that's five acres now I know that but um but don't uh don't access to other private owner's house without permission uhuh I'm not sure what that means it sounds like you've got multiple

um it sounds like you've got multiple uh buildings on the land if you're going to um do something with this aerial photo you could actually outline the boundary of the property so um my guess is that some of these other properties are also on the same 5 Acres so um but that's a little unclear so if you could show the boundary of the property um that would uh now I understand that English might not be your first language but um you could put this through uh chat GPT and just say these are my points um create an Airbnb listing profile and if English is not your first language then uh Airbnb would sorry uh chat GPT would take this and turn this into something a little bit more conversational um and so I would do that sleeping so you've got uh you have actually got a uh the start of a photo tour um um so that's good do you have Wi-Fi now this is something that people do look for if you don't have oh yes you do have Wi-Fi sorry um I was going to say if you don't then um you need to get it [Music] um cotton a bed linen linen yep

smoke carbon monoxide alarm so that's something I talk about a lot now you should do a a speed test on the um Airbnb app uh and uh it will show okay you've got um Wii uh that runs at 20 megabits per second or 200 megabits per second I've got uh stuff that runs here at 200 megabits per second so it's it would give people an idea uh what sort of um what sort of speed that they can expect uh it looks like you've got very nice appliances you got barbecue private entrance um so it looks like you've taken care of this uh air conditioning um no fans or anything like that um and no heating so I kind of find that that's um uh that is a little unusual there's no heating whatsoever um so in Winter it may um you might struggle to get bookings uh with no

heating okay so um this is saying I can't check your prices because again um it's saying that the listing's not yet ready but it seems like it would make a booking for a one night stay which is not something I would recommend um it's going to create lots and lots of work for you I can't check the prices and I can't see what your cleaning fees would be uh oh Summers be yeah near Pet's Rich no not quite Pete's Ridge but yeah okay I know I know where sumers be is okay so I can get you so uh at this part carong and whatever there's big Logistics um buildings so you may find that um uh I'll give you some pricing tips um you may find some people will come and stay that will use those big Logistics buildings

um they will use those but uh so you may actually find that you get people that would um uh stay for long stays um again we I can't see whether you're giving a long stay discount but um that's what I would do I would change your uh even though you are close to the hot to the highway you're really not a hotel and um unless you're uh charging a lot of money for a one night stay see a one night stay let's just say Sunday night that could stop if someone booked in for a one night stay uh then that could block you from getting a a three nights day from Friday through to Sunday or something like that so uh I would look at the minimum numbers of nights um and let's it seems that after it seems that you've got a limit there that after someone stays for seven nights it won't let them stay any longer and I'm wondering if you meant that um like what if someone wanted to stay for a month yeah I think you've you've got put a limit there that your your limit is seven nights stays um I think I would if I was you because you're close to those Logistics places I think I would uh change that so that um what if someone wants to stay for a month now um a lot of insurance policies do have a limit they say um and yeah they they often say maybe put a day limit on it but I think your limit is too short um and I think your minimum number of nights is is also too short uh you've got no reviews we can see where you are approximately um I would also add a profile about you so there's nothing to tell us about you Chong um great guests so there's a little bit you've obviously gone and stayed uh in some airbnbs in some places but there's nothing about you so no history do you live on the property um what do you do for work um so you can actually add to your profile and I think that um you should I think that you should um

oops sorry I I changed tabs on this Pro on this particular page it this is called your profile page it oh it says that you live in summersby so I'm guessing that you do live on the property but um but it tells us nothing else about you so I would yeah disclose that you do live on the property and you know what you do for a job and um

um yeah what why are you using Airbnb so we're back here on your main tab so this is um some things about you says that you're identified so that's good um I think you need a registration number um that's for What's called the shortterm rental uh register so you um I'm not sure that you would be exempt uh Jong so I'm not sure how you came up with that exemption um but um you should uh Google uh I I'll send you a link to the uh yeah Google St that stands for short-term rental and then New South Wales so nsw so St Str space nssw and uh It'll point you to something called the planning portal uh in New South WS which will explain the rules and all properties typically have to except hotels usually have to um be registered on the short-term accommodation register so um maximum let's have a look at your house rules check in after three so that's okay um maximum four guests doesn't say the check out time so usually I'd put that at uh 10 a.m. um so check out about 10: a.m. that'll give you time to um clean um maximum four guests okay um you've got carbon monoxide so that's very very good uh and we can't see your cancellation add your trip details to get the um cancellation for this stay so again

um again it uh this here um does not tell us uh your cancellation policy so when I looked here again it doesn't tell us your cancellation policy so we're waiting for this um listing to be uh ready so look I trust that this uh gives you some tips I'll send you some links to um what I call the complete guide to host hosting I think you can improve this a little bit I'd look at professional photos or at least following the tips that are in the complete guide to hosting on taking the photos uh I would definitely look at these minimum nights I'd use captions I'd use a photo tour uh and that will uh point you in the right direction thanks very much chong good luck if got any more questions send us a message through the ABNB app uh very very happy to help thank you bye

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