The video is a detailed review and critique of Xemina's Airbnb listing.

In this video, Xemina receives valuable tips and tricks for optimizing an Airbnb listing.

We starts by examining your property's listing, emphasizing the importance of category selection and accurate descriptions. Xemina advises on improving photos, suggesting the use of captions and high-resolution images. We highlights the significance of mentioning amenities like a king-sized bed and dedicated workspace. Xemina also discusses the importance of Wi-Fi quality, carbon monoxide alarms, and cancellation policies. Throughout the video, we offers actionable insights to enhance your Airbnb listing and attract potential guests. 


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Hi Xemina how are you it is Wednesday the 28th you asked a very open ended question can I give you any tips or tricks uh yes I can I can give you endless ones but um where do we start um so uh let's just have a look at your listing first of all and we'll start with this and uh I'm available to give you any extra help you think that you need um you're in a category Airbnb have categories uh so if you go to uh and as a traveler you would be in the category of new so there you are uh and you're under neutral Bay uh so you will come up under the category of new and neutral Bay one-bedroom apartment I don't know that I'd use the word one-bedroom um but um because uh do you have yeah um okay I'm not sure that I'd use that you've got very limited numbers of uh 10 minutes to city and Beach um sure uh let's have a look at your photos so Airbnb have algorithms and they can tell uh what sort of camera you've taken this on you need captions there you go there's a t there's a tip um you you know it could be sunny North facing um living area whatever but use the captions um please please I no TV oh is that a TV I don't know is that a TV or is that a some sort of print um this king-sized bed now if you've got a king-sized bed um that kind of looks like a king-sized bed this is what's called a dedicated workspace so you need to put that as as your amenity um I would definitely uh mention if you have got a king siiz bed then I would mention that uh in the um I would mention it in the heading and um before I would mention it in the uh before I mentioned one bedroom um okay I mean you have a very nice stylish place as AA um that's good I

i' so this is bathroom laundry combined uh and I'm guessing this is a shower with um waterfall um yeah I'm going to send you some links to how to uh improve your uh photographs like you can use many many more photographs if you've got a SLR camera I would consider taking it with that i' also consider having the water falling and uh capturing that um on your uh on your camera on your photo this honestly um this I don't mean to be critical this doesn't look super high resolution to me so um I would seriously think about um uh having that retaken uh and captions yeah there's no captions there so um that really really helps with um ranking and good uh sorry airb Bay will rank rank properties that have higher resolution photos better like it can tell that they're better photos it will probably rank them higher even though yours is new you're going to get a boost but you need to fix the um photos I think I would also have more than five photos um some location shots um maybe you've just pull this up to get it up um one bedroom one bathroom just from this photo here it actually looked like the bedroom it looked like that was the bedroom um and it was more like a studio than um so you don't want you do not want um bad reviews saying that they're not accurately described so if it's not one bedroom if it's a studio then I would re um redo that your styling's nice these apples are good this is good your chairs it's very clean you've got clearly you got an espresso machine there um so I think I would just play around a little bit with this add some more photos um I won't critique this uh what

free a park for free uh so is that in the building um Wi-Fi now you can actually have test your Wi-Fi and you can do this in the air BB app on your mobile phone you go to find your listing uh then go to amenities and then Wi-Fi and there's a test in there you want to test it and if it says you know 100 megabits per second that's another thing that will give you a boost another thing that will give you a boost is a carbon monoxide alarm uh and I'll send you a link to a free one um and just by having you'll get a boost um so that is kind of important um let's let's see uh well you're allowing one night bookings that's very interesting um I guess that includes the uh the I guess that includes the cost of cleaning let's have a look at two nights um okay I personally uh don't take one night bookings um and uh I can see that you're not taking the booking for today so very very good you've got no uh reviews yet let's go to reserve um uh this reservation is non-refundable um personally I do use a flexible um cancellation policy um but

um uh because youve got no reviews it's it's a bit of a risk for the person to book um because you can't see 150 previous reviews tells what great thing it is I think if I was you I'd get my first booking and then go for a non-refundable thing I think I'd also go for at least um two nights um I think that that you need to do that um this is good let's see what it tells us about you it doesn't really tell us anything about you um Zina other than you have 12 reviews yourself as a traveler and you've been on Airbnb for eight years um I'll show you my

um I'll show you mine um my profile go to profile here we go uh this is to give you an idea what you can do um so okay someone's going to stay in your property tell them a bit about you um these are sorts of things you can do now I have um I'm a community leader blah blah blah blah blah these are all the listings I've got um I have a guide book uh you would certainly have that I've got 175 reviews with a 4.5 aage been hosting for six years um yes you need to be I identified um okay that's probably good enough but um I would add some more details about you other than that you speak English Portuguese and Spanish um check here check in I think You' got this around the wrong way you don't want to you're checking out before 3 p.m. but you can check in at at 11: so um I think you mean the other way around uh I would probably give people until 10 10 a.m. to check out and check in from 3 p.m. so I think that's the wrong way uh see here you need the carbon monoxide um two guests maximum no pets quiet hours no smoking okay um look there's there's some there's some starter tips Zina uh I look I hope that helps you uh if you got any further questions um try and be as detailed as specific like where you need help um and let me know talk soon bye.


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