Airbnb Listing Review and Improvement Tips for New Hosts - NANCY airbnb critique
In the video, Mark Smith provides feedback and suggestions to Nancy on how to improve her Airbnb listing. He suggests that she should retake some of her photos, particularly when there is more sunlight. He also recommends that she check out the "Complete Guide to Hosting" on Airbnb, which provides tips on setting up a listing, improving photos, and telling a compelling story. He advises her to consider her insurance situation, especially since she has horses and is offering a farm stay. He also suggests that she might want to consider a farm policy. He recommends that she disclose the speed of her Wi-Fi, consider whether she wants to allow one-night stays, and ensure she has a carbon monoxide detector. He also suggests that she might want to adopt a fully flexible cancellation policy to encourage more bookings. Finally, he advises her to create a guidebook for guests and to consider charging an extra fee for pets.

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hi there Mark Smith here uh for you Nancy um let's have a look you'd like some feedback on your listing so let's have a look and see what we can do to improve uh your category is new so you're going to be in a um oh so it's a room okay so it's not the Full House okay so that's good um so that's what's called Airbnb rooms so um so we're going to have a look well actually I can't have a full look at your listing yet uh nor can I uh review you so let's have a look uh H okay um we do have something called uh a owner's passport uh which uh is available only to Airbnb room hosts uh so I'll show you my host profile whoops oops get rid of that um let's have a look at Mark here mark my profile um read more hang on here we go so we'll have a look at that in a minute and we'll compare it with yours

um uh nice betting um plenty of sunlight I probably would retake this uh morning is nice well when this particular time of the day is when you're getting the sunlight in I think I would have the uplighters uh going um because uh you've your first four are the most important so

um so is that the TV um [Music] um look I'll send you some some links to um something called um the complete guide to um the complete guide to hosting uh it's an Airbnb document that has a complete guide to how to set up your uh listing and that bathroom does look really good uh I'd probably put that of all the photos I actually think that that looks one of the best um um I think about putting well there is a map there horses Farm stay okay so um I I'm just going to say things that come into my head as I as I think about them uh have you got insurance um for have you told your insurance company that you're having uh shortterm accommodation um uh rentals now um if you tell your insurance company and you and you have horses because um that can affect your um um some insurance companies are very very um um careful uh risk averse whatever about horses now um I'd seriously think about getting a farm policy if I was you I don't know how many uh Acres you're on uh but you're you've listed Farm stay so

um hm uh look please have a look at the uh notes that I send you on

uh on uh this complete guide to hosting there's a link there um there is a link there to um upgrading your photos uh tips and tricks uh and also telling your story so um look I think these photos could be a little bit better

um got to make the most of what you've got now um so Furry Friends welcome so that's good uh enjoy unique stay at our question

Center so would you encourage one night stays now I can't actually go there uh personally I don't take one night stays uh but this seems to be saying well you you'd be open to it and are these people that would be staying in your in your own uh house or is it a like a farmhouse separate to your own place


yeah uh I went to palmal recently so I know exactly well I don't know exactly where you are but I I certainly know that part of the world and uh I grew up in Newcastle spent a lot of time traveling to and from Sydney registration exempt um okay so that's for um uh the planning portal the new southwes planning portal very uh friendly cat and dog and cat in and around the property so you have your own uh dog and cat great if you love animals not so much if you have allergies okay fair enough um short stop over um

okay so you've thought I think you've thought about this quite well um you have thought about that quite well so

um how fast is the Wi-Fi now you should uh on your Airbnb app um there is a way you can do a speed test on the app that will show up okay that this runs at 50 megabits per second rather than 12 um do you have a desk uh for someone that is staying there um if they need to like use their disc uh use a disc a 19in TV that's fairly small uh private backyard not fully fenced okay free parking pets allowed um I can't check but I'm curious whether you have an extra fee that you charge for pets um a lot of people do um and I can't look up the pricing yet so I can't give you any feedback on on that You' got no reviews um okay so you must be quite near the funly enough I was quite I went to the heatherb pies which is obviously fairly close to where you are so okay I think I know that

um languages now I put in there English because I assume you speak English and espanol uh that's good uh let's get you a carbon monoxide detector so I'll give you a link for that um you uh I would probably go with the until you've got a few reviews I would go with the fully flexible uh cancellation policy because people uh are more inclined to book if there's absolutely no risk of um no cancellation risk so I would uh recommend that you do that look I I probably can't take this uh review very much further because I can't check your pricing there's lots of things that I can't check but uh that's good that you have a discount for the first three bookings um fixing up the uh the cancellation policy will help you to get those three bookings okay there's a couple of tips um definitely go and check out the complete guide to hosting uh let's ALS so have a look at oh well here's the complete guide to hosting um how to improve your listing as you go uh how the search works how to craft your story um you I think you do want to have something about about you as the host here's what I have on me um you know who I am okay I don't speak Spanish but um um uh there's lots about me I've got 193 reviews I'm a community

leader um I've got various LIF listings have a guide book um so that's I would get a guide book um and uh upgrade your listing uh photos so these are tips to pro pro photographers share five ways to make your listing stand out more so um there'll be all sorts of tips on there so have a good look through here there's um it's a complete guide you can type in anything uh you know cancellate type in here cancellation policies uh you name it um and um it just goes on and on there's lots and lots and lots of tips so I would start with that I wish you well on your Airbnb journey and if I can help with anything else don't be afraid to ask okay good luck bye
um go to profile um Mark uh works at here speaks English uh lives in Glenbrook it they don't give you tons of space um but uh they do look I've got I've actually got uh 165 reviews so been hosting for six years so it it uh it gives you an idea I'm also a community leader um and I've got multiple different properties that uh I host yeah you want to get a guide book as well um uh now you can build this on the Airbnb app uh for free um and you know what do people do now you have special local knowledge of um Springwood that I don't have uh even though I'm a Glenbrook um so uh I would I would be adding those sorts of things and um it will help uh it'll help you with your reviews reviews are actually the key um because people don't know who you are now um let's just have a look at um see uh I've got a I've got a property here uh 456 megabits per second so and with plus a dedicated workspace so if you have got a dedicated workspace uh I'd be throwing that in but you need to um whack in here the Wi-Fi speed you can go so you can um uh record or test the Wi-Fi speed by adding uh in the amenities on your phone app whoops on the phone app go to the Airbnb app um find your listing amenities uh WiFi and um uh and then there's a speed test on that so if you follow those steps listing amenities uh WiFi speed test um I would look at that uh by the way if you have a super fast uh Wi-Fi 4505 245 I should say 245 megabits per second you're often very likely to get long stays uh and people working from home so uh I would um I would be uh really looking at all of your amenities um as as much as you possibly can let's have a look 44 amenities that's good um that one's that one's uh that hot tub yeah uh I can imagine the photos from that I'm guessing it's got a fantastic view could you get could you style that with a bottle of champagne uh and the bubbles going and the steam coming off it like it would just look fantastic air conditioning washing machine hot tub um cleaning products yes terrific uh drying rack free dryer so is that a a Clos dryer I imagine safe that's interesting um TV uh you got any Netflix uh Apple TV or whatever uh like think about that um carbon monoxide is is um is very good uh it is it ranks more highly for um if you two properties side by side one has a carbon monoxide and one doesn't the carbon monoxide one will rank higher normally um uh than the one without um I think if I was you I would seriously I don't know if you've got children but if you have um I would seriously think about I I don't know how child friendly your property is now just looking at the photos it it does look like um uh does look like you've got an amazing view but I don't know if you've got any yard if your property is at all child friendly then uh I would think about getting a high chair um travel cot uh and you can get the uh work from home um family uh and yeah I'd give it some serious thought um you got to have that photo smoking alow so that's actually interesting did you mean to um did you mean to um select that option um private entrance I'm not sure what that you not included no private entrance so um maybe you could put in a floor plan um so I will have a look at as I said at the um an option for uh professional photos for you and if we can assist uh very often times those uh those uh guys do floor plans as well I think that would be helpful and um some drone photography uh might uh might also be uh pretty good um you've actually not got uh that many um places available see I can't actually um I can't actually look up uh many of your dates so uh I'm guessing you spend a fair bit of time at this property and then go somewhere else so uh I can't look at the price so I can't give you any feedback about that um jonty um commercial photography is allowed no pets that's interesting no parties smoking is

allowed pre cancel now that's good um that's essential uh well it's not essential but um it's better if oh free cancellation for 48 hours oh okay so that means um you got 48 hours to make up your mind uh so if things change um people can often so I personally it very rarely happens but I personally have a here's my policy is flexible so not only can they look out see this is this is the thing um not only can they look up and see oh I've had 165 people rank me uh then

um then uh but um you can cancel your trip um ahead of time now I can't comment about what your cleaning fee or your nightly rate is because uh we're just not simply at that point but I think so okay the free cancellation before the 1 of May so this this dummy booking was up until the second so there's really no risk there's no risk in um in Booking with me because I've got 157 reviews for just under five star um and people tell like you can't have 157 people lie uh about how good something is I if I was you I think until how many reviews have you got um no reviews yet uh yeah so if I was you I would drop this to a What's called the flexible policy um um and I think you'll find that you get more bookings um uh see yeah not that people want to cancel but um if they want to like they come on they find your place they wish list it they come back like they've already thought about is this going to be suitable for you they can't read the

reviews uh I think you would get more bookings now the other thing we do is uh we have an instant booking thing so people can instantly book with us um and I don't know if you've got that turned on um infants we do allow pets actually so U it's unlawful to prevent a serviced animal for a guide dog that sort of thing um um it's actually unlawful to not take those so um uh anyway those those are some thoughts um I'll also send you some links to uh there's a complete guide to hosting and um so even if we can't help you with uh professional photos um it there's some tips in there on how to make the most of the photos that you do have so um I hope that steers you in the right direction jonty um thanks very much for reaching out if you've got any other questions any specific questions um then let me know talk soon thanks mate cheers

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